Here's a few of the things we are doing to establish and grow a thriving One New Man network of Jewish and Gentile leaders.

Gathering leaders
Without the participants we have no network but it is not as simple as just booking a room and sending out invites. A lot of time and energy is put into building relationships with leaders and getting to know them and their ministries before we invite them or ask them to bring others. This is because the strength of the Network is in its connections, the relational bonds which hold it together. We are not looking for people who think the same way as us but those who sense the working of the Holy Spirit and are open to explore crossing the divide that sadly still exists between Jew and Gentile in this day.

Teaching leaders is very different to teaching the average churchgoer as they have a highly developed Biblical understanding and want to see clear practical outworkings for their communities. Leaders are not looking for theories but fruitful Kingdom impact. We always start in the Bible and let it speak as we unpack God's plans and purposes for Jew and Gentile in this day which Paul called a mystery, “which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets” (Eph 3:5). In every step we rely on the Holy Spirit to unlock the Scriptures and reveal this mystery.

Holocaust tours
Talking about the Holocaust is one of the cornerstones of what we do as a Network. This is because we sadly often find ignorance amongst the leaders, particularly in former Soviet Union countries, where the Holocaust was not taught to students and was not talked about in public. The painful history of the Holocaust remains of vital importance in the Body of Messiah today as Anti-Semitism will not disappear until He returns. Thus we must remain vigilant and stand alongside one another.